• TG EAPCET counselling code: GRCP
  • TG PGECET counselling code: GRCP1
Virtual Tour of GRCP

Mentor Mentee Committee

The Mentor-Mentee system provides guidance to students on academic, co-curricular, extracurricular, personality development, career developmental aspects and to foster a close and constructive relationship among students and faculty. The key roles of mentors are to assist their mentees to gain an understanding of the curriculum, provide advice and guidance to students regarding academic matters, assist students in solving problems and when necessary, refer them to an appropriate authority or resource person and perform any other functions as required by faculty. All mentees are encouraged to meet their respective mentors, on a regular basis to discuss their learning progress including any academic problems encountered. Mentor-Mentee system is implemented for all courses. Each mentor is allotted with 10-15 mentees. Problems reported by students will be recorded in the Mentor Mentee register with signature of student. Corrective actions will be taken immediately referring it to the concerned for the rectification. The meeting is conducted once in a month and minutes of meeting is submitted to the Head of Institution for advice and monitoring of the system. Counseling is conducted to advice students to maintain their attendance, focus on preparation for competitive examinations, make best use of resources available in the institution and motivate students towards research. This helps for overall development of the student.

Roles and Responsibilities of Mentors @ GRCP

  • Conduct the meeting every month to know the progress of the mentees.
  • Collect the data of mentees at every stage and ensure the authenticity of the collected data.
  • On locating their need for marked improvement in certain areas (General/Academic/Career/Personal), refer the same to concerned person.
  • Track the attendance, performance records, and identify reasons, if any, and prepare a report with constructive suggestions.
  • Ensure frequent value added student visits to the library, sports and other such, essentially in the allotted time slots.
  • Allow and guide peer Mentoring.
  • Motivate them to take part in activities that can accrue more credits.
  • Compile their progress in performance and discuss threadbare with them.
  • Identify reasons for poor performance and attach a note.
  • Prepare a report on meeting and submit to the Coordinator.

Roles and Responsibilities of Mentees @ GRCP

  • Provide all the necessary data with relevant documents.
  • Know what you want and ask for what you need.
  • Identify special goals that you want to achieve and discuss it clearly with your mentor to achieve them.
  • Seek information regarding resources that you need from various sources.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Accept feedback respectfully, cordially & discuss future course of action with your mentor.
  • Attend mentor meetings regularly and punctually.
  • Provide feedback and communicate healthy developments in you.

Composition of Mentor Mentee Committee (2024 – 25)

S. No. Name Designation Position Email id
1 Dr. P. Veeresh Babu Associate Professor Co-ordinator veeresh8034@grcp.ac.in
2 Dr. N. Sree Lakshmi Assistant Professor Faculty Member lakshmi8064@grcp.ac.in
3 Mrs. Shabnam Kumari Thakur Assistant Professor Faculty Member shabnam8079@grcp.ac.in
4 R. Sri Neha Student Student Member srineharouthu@gmail.com
5 D. Niharika Student Student Member niharikadabbala@gmail.com